Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to make our Course information and Enrolment procedures as simple as possible.  Our aim is to provide the most flexible route map for the journey through the school for the prospective student.  Hopefully you will find the immediate answer to your query in the following  question answer list.

You are welcome to email questions from the contact page. We also have a short introduction video on the school on the About page.

Question: What courses are available?

Answer: There is one course which is learning how to draw and paint subjects and figures realistically in a similar way to current classical ateliers in Europe which are based on nineteenth century classical academies. Rather than specialising in various subjects for all students regardless of their progress, students are individually taught according to the ongoing assessment by teachers of their progress according to the Syllabus Overview.

Question: How long is the course?

Answer: Learning realism skills in drawing and painting can be a long, bumpy but rewarding journey with skills that can be applied in many artistic fields. But it takes time and dedication. Full time with many long hours of extra-curricular work, it may take 3 or 4 years of intensive work for a solid foundation. Part time will take much longer. Students progress at different rates at different stages of their journey, which is why the value of individual instruction can be a valuable option for people.

Question: When can I start painting?

Answer: Drawing is a core foundation prerequisite skill that takes time to develop, and the School does emphasise Drawing as an essential component. Unlike overseas ateliers that may require drawing full time for twelve months or more before painting can commence, the timing of painting or other projects at JAAS will depend solely on the Instructor’s assessment of each individual student. The first sessions attended by students always focus on Drawing as part of the individual assessment and tuition process.

Question:  How do I know what fees are payable for the Term?

Answer: Enrolment is for the term, which is 9 weeks. For evening classes, fees are $525  for 9 classes total, each class being 2 hours and 45 minutes in duration. For day classes, fees are  $1050 for 9 classes total, each class comprising 2 sessions, each of 2 hours and 45 minutes duration, separated by a lunch break. You attend the same class/classes at the same time each week for the term.
The number of classes, and whether chosen classes are day or evening, determines the fees.
For example,  fees for 2 days, choosing Tuesday day and Thursday day, fees are $2100 for the term. For choosing  Wednesday day and Thursday Evening, fees are  $1575 for the term. Fees are for the Term of 9 weeks.

Question: What are the Term Dates?

2024 Term Dates;

Term 2 2024: Tuesday April 23rd for 9 weeks to Friday 21st of June. Thursdays will be 8 weeks only as the school will be closed on Thursday April 25th Anzac Day.

Term 3 2024: Tuesday July 16th for 9 weeks to Friday 13th of September.

Term 4 2024: Tuesday October 8th for 9 weeks to Friday 6th December.

Question: What is the minimum age to attend JAAS?

Answer: The minimum age required is 18 years.

Question: If I am unable to come on a day can I make up a class on another day or time?

Answer: No. Positions are fixed to ensure the numbers per instructor are limited so that you get the full benefits of small classes.

Question: Who are the instructors?

Answer: JAAS instructors are JAAS alumni scholarship winners, passionate supporters of the school and take enormous pride in students’ achievements as well as being award winning working artists. All instructors teach the same foundation skills and techniques individually to students so that students can progress regardless of the days of the week that they can attend. Current teachers are Christopher Browne, James Tucker, Tam Cao, Michael Simms, Phil Went, Christina Rogers and Rod Wong. Students may be allocated a different section or task on the day depending on their ongoing assessment which may mean a different instructor. The intent of the re-focused school is that you get the same individually taught skills regardless of the instructor according to the Syllabus Overview.

Question: How many classes should I attend?
Answer. This is completely up to you, however your progress is very much dependent on the amount of classes and time you can put into your study. Preference will be given to student applications of students who can commit to more sessions, and that have a strong drive to achieve accomplishment in realist drawing and painting skills over the long term.

Question: Who should study at JAAS?

Answer: Students who are looking for strong foundational knowledge and technical skills in realistic drawing and painting, for use as a full time artist or that are required in related fields such as fine art and portraiture commission, animation, illustration and a large range of artistic career paths that require strong foundation skills and are prepared to put in the long hours required to develop these skills. There is no formal accreditation by government educational bodies, however the School may issue a record of students’ accomplishment once they demonstrate a satisfactory level of mastery in drawing and painting. If you wish to explore more experimental modern art techniques or require a government accreditation than maybe another school would be more appropriate. Hobbyists may find the investment in the time required too onerous so may be better suited to art society based programmes. We also hold workshops regularly in the school holidays which can be a great fun introduction to the school as well as being valuable for focusing on more specialised areas.

Question: Are classes for Drawing or Painting or both?

Answer: Classes are for drawing and painting in oil, all classes are teach the same fundamental skills individually, focusing initially on foundation skills in drawing before more complex subjects are attempted in limited and then full palettes of colour oil paint according to the Syllabus Overview.

Question: What can I expect to learn, is there a theoretical component or mostly practical?

Answer: There is some theory and historical references applied to practical execution of drawing and painting. The ultimate goal is for students to gain the knowledge and technical skills required be able to draw and paint realistically from life. Students progress at different rates at different stages of their journey, influenced heavily by the amount of time that can be devoted to study and practise. The paintings and drawings on the website are an example.

Question: What sort of materials do I have to invest in?

Answer: Initially just pencils and paper, however you can download the standard materials list here. It is recommended to discuss your projects and materials required with your instructor prior to investing in the full list of materials. The biggest investment required will be your time.

Question: It sounds like very individual tutoring, how does this work exactly. Do I have to wait my turn in class until the teacher has spent time with everybody individually?

Answer: Yes, you would need to wait your turn, however you would not be just waiting but working on a drawing or other task in between interactions and feedback from the teacher on your work. Classes are kept small so that there is plenty of time for both student work and teacher feedback. Students may be just beginning to learn to draw so the teacher may focus on some foundation drawing skills such as accurate placement on the page of the outline of the subject or more detailed rendering of an anatomically accurate depiction of a live figure.

Question: What are the Terms and Conditions that are required to attend the School?

Answer: Follow the link to the current Terms and Conditions.